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This is my books and poems and all that shiny stuff that I've written!

Stranded in a Dream

As she approached the shore, the water splashed against her legs. A breeze tossed her long, flowing hair. Then she felt a rumble, a rumble directly under her. She tried to run but she couldn't. The water was too high. All she could do was struggle. Then something popped out centimeters away from her face. It was a big gray blob. It was moving too fast to see. "Hello." It said. It had a deep, rumbling voice. Then she shot up. Her eyes were wide open. Her heart was beating fast. "It's just a dream, just a dream." Shannon repeated this over and over. Then she looked at her clock. 7:00. "As long as I'm up." She got out of bed and made herself breakfast. Every little noise scared her. She kept playing the dream in her head. She'd been having that dream for the past couple weeks. Now she was sort of used to it. It still didn't change the fact that it was a weird dream and she didn't know what it meant. What did it mean? She sat down at the table with her biscuit and waffles. She ate them and changed into real clothes. Then she went on a walk. She walked through her street, saying Hi to all the people on her street. Then on a lamp post, she saw a flyer. It was bright red with light blue words on it. It said, 'If you are having unusual dreams or nightmares, come on the 13th of June to the Business Center on Winter St. We will meet, have lunch, and talk about our dreams at 12:30 - 1:30. Come soon! We would love to have you.' Shannon thought that was odd and she picked the flyer up. But as soon as she touched the flyer, it disappeared into thin air. Shannon blinked. "Alright, I'll go." She said to herself. But she didn't know that it was going to be the best decision of her life.

Chapter 1.


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